About us

Africa, the new land of opportunity, has huge investment potential in various investment sectors. In 2019, the five fastest- growing economies in the world were in Africa. Ghana (8.79%), South Sudan (8.79$), Rwanda (7.8%), Ethiopia (7.7%) and Côte d’Ivoire (7.4%).

Africa Business Networking (ABN) is committed to disseminate latest business news focusing on Africa at large and Ethiopia in particular.

ABN publishes contents monitored from various media outlets and other news sources as well as content produced by its own editorial team.

We cover the most important business news and expert opinions on various economic issues across the continent and deliver them to a worldwide audience. 

Updated daily, this site also offers further economic information resources and data contents to provide our visitors value-added services.

ABN: Eying New Opportunities in Ethiopia, Africa and Beyond!

If you wish to contact us, please do via:

Email: info@africabusinessnetworking.com  