Ethiopia, Djibouti discuss bilateral trade ties

A delegation led by Ethiopian Minister of Finance, Ahmed Shide, paid an official visit to Djibouti.

During the occasion, the delegation met with President Ismail Omar Guelleh and conveyed a message from Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Recalling that the two friendly countries have jointly invested more than10 billion USD in different infrastructural schemes, the delegation praised the ever growing commitment of both governments to further scale up their economic ties to a high gear by strengthening regular bilateral talks, which have been interrupted due to COVID and other circumstances.

Taking into account the historical, symbolic and strategic relationship between the two countries, three issues have been agreed upon in accordance with the previous discussions of the two leaders.

To keep the previous price quotation on fruits and vegetables being exported to Djibouti until a joint committee comes up with agreed terms, on the basis of the current market reality and conditions of the general population in Djibouti.

In addition, while implementing the new export rate for Khat that was at work for the past 40 years as agreed by the leaders, importers in Djibouti will be able to buy khat without having to pass through export contract.

It was also agreed that the Maritime Charges of the two countries would continue to remain unchanged until a decision will be made following a joint deliberation.

Before an audience at the Presidential Palace, the delegation held discussions with Djibouti’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mahmoud Ali Youssouf, Minister of Trade and Tourism, Mohamed Warsama Dirieh, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, Youssouf Moussa Dawaleh as well as the Chairman of Port & Free Zone Authority, Abubakar Omar Hadi.

During its stay, the delegation visited Golden Africa, the major supplier of refined and bulk edible oil products.

Source: ENA