Ethiopia seeks to expedite, finalize resumed GERD tripartite talks

Ethiopian Ministry of Water, Irriga­tion and Energy disclosed that the East Africa nation is committed to reach a speedy and win-win deal on the outstanding issues of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

Talks on the GERD resumed on Monday af­ter the negotiation which had started on 27 July 20202 was put on hold following Su­dan’s request.

The Ministry of Water Affairs of Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan continued the tripartite negotiation under the African Union frame­work via video conference, according to the press released by the Ministry

 Eng. Seleshi Bekele, Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy has reiterated Ethio­pia’s resolve to expeditiously finalize the process with a win-win outcome and noted the progress made since the AU led process has started.

The three countries also agreed on the pro­cedure for the trilateral negotiation. The discussion of the three countries’ working groups is underway with regard to GERD outstanding issues.

According to the press release, negotiation will continue for the coming two weeks, with a combination of trilateral ministerial meeting, expert working meeting and meet­ing with experts and observers.

Source: The Ethiopian Herald